Comment les placements d’épargne-retraite peuvent-ils s’aligner sur les objectifs environnementaux à long terme

Qu’ont en commun les promoteurs de régimes de retraite et les investisseurs durables? Ils ont une vision à long terme. Nous étudions comment différentes catégories d’actifs, en particulier les actifs réels, peuvent s’harmoniser aux objectifs liés au climat à long terme, comme celui d’atteindre la carboneutralité. Par ricochet, nous suggérons aux promoteurs de régimes de retraite, qu’ils soient dans le secteur des prestations déterminées ou des cotisations déterminées, des moyens d’aligner leurs placements sur des objectifs climatiques durables de plus en plus répandus.

Points à retenir :

  • Les risques et les occasions liés au climat sont présents dans pratiquement toutes les catégories d’actifs, mais les actifs réels – notamment les infrastructures, l’immobilier, les terrains forestiers et les terres agricoles – pourraient offrir aux investisseurs des profils de résilience climatique relativement plus solides.
  • À mesure que le monde progresse vers un avenir à faibles émissions de carbone, les placements dans certaines catégories d’actif précises peuvent être optimisés pour rester axés sur les objectifs climatiques et environnementaux.
  • Lorsque les promoteurs de régimes à prestations déterminées (PD) envisagent d’attribuer des mandats et que les promoteurs de régimes à cotisations déterminées (CD) conçoivent et surveillent des gammes de fonds, ces fiduciaires peuvent également être attentifs à la manière dont les portefeuilles de retraite peuvent s’aligner sur les principaux jalons des objectifs climatiques.

Prévalence des objectifs de carboneutralité dans les principales catégories d’actif

Catégorie d’actif

Indice servant d’indicateur

Sociétés déclarant leurs émissions de GES (de portée 1 et 2)

Sociétés ayant déclaré leurs objectifs de carboneutralité

Infrastructures mondiales

Indice S&P Global Infrastructure

89 %

54 %

Fiducies de placement immobilier mondiales

Indice MSCI Monde Immobilier

86 %

25 %

Actions mondiales à grande capitalisation

Indice MSCI Monde tous pays

74 %

35 %

Actions canadiennes toutes capitalisations

Indice composé S&P/TSX

65 %

23 %

Titres à revenu fixe canadiens de base

Indice des obligations universelles FTSE Canada

45 %

16 %

Titres à revenu fixe canadiens de base de longue durée

Indice des obligations à long terme FTSE Canada

38 %

14 %

Sources : Gestion de placements Manuvie, Bloomberg. Données au 30 mars 2023 L’indice S&P Global Infrastructure suit le rendement de sociétés du monde entier qui représentent le secteur des infrastructures cotées en bourse, tout en maintenant la liquidité et la négociabilité. L’indice MSCI Monde Immobilier suit le rendement des sociétés de prêt hypothécaire, des sociétés de gestion immobilière et des fiducies de placement immobilier. L’indice MSCI Monde tous pays suit le rendement des actions à grande et à moyenne capitalisation de sociétés des marchés développés et émergents. L’indice composé S&P/TSX est l’indice de référence canadien qui suit les rendements des sociétés cotées sur la Bourse de Toronto (TSX). L’indice des obligations universelles FTSE Canada suit le rendement d’obligations gouvernementales et de sociétés négociables en circulation sur le marché canadien. L’indice des obligations à long terme FTSE Canada suit le rendement d’obligations gouvernementales et de sociétés négociables à long terme en circulation sur le marché canadien. Il n’est pas possible d’investir directement dans un indice.

Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. Financial markets are volatile and can fluctuate significantly in response to company, industry, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments.  These risks are magnified for investments made in emerging markets. Currency risk is the risk that fluctuations in exchange rates may adversely affect the value of a portfolio’s investments.

Any ESG-related case studies shown here are for illustrative purposes only, do not represent all of the investments made, sold, or recommended for client accounts, and should not be considered an indication of the ESG integration, performance, or characteristics of any current or future Manulife Investment Management product or investment strategy.   

Manulife Investment Management conducts ESG engagements with issuers but does not engage on all issues, or with all issuers, in our portfolios. We also frequently conduct collaborative engagements in which we do not set the terms of engagement but lend our support in order to achieve a desired outcome. Where we own and operate physical assets, we seek to weave sustainability into our operational strategies and execution. The relevant case studies shown are illustrative of different types of engagements across our in-house investment teams, asset classes and geographies in which we operate. While we conduct outcome-based engagements to enhance long term-financial value for our clients, we recognize that our engagements may not necessarily result in outcomes which are significant or quantifiable.  In addition, we acknowledge that any observed outcomes may be attributable to factors and influences independent of our engagement activities.   

We consider that the integration of sustainability risks in the decision-making process is an important element in determining long-term performance outcomes and is an effective risk mitigation technique. Our approach to sustainability provides a flexible framework that supports implementation across different asset classes and investment teams. While we believe that sustainable investing will lead to better long-term investment outcomes, there is no guarantee that sustainable investing will ensure better returns in the longer term. In particular, by limiting the range of investable assets through the exclusionary framework, positive screening and thematic investment, we may forego the opportunity to invest in an investment which we otherwise believe likely to outperform over time. Please see our ESG policies for details.

The information provided does not take into account the suitability, investment objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of any specific person. You should consider the suitability of any type of investment for your circumstances and, if necessary, seek professional advice.

This material is intended for the exclusive use of recipients in jurisdictions who are allowed to receive the material under their applicable law. The opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and are subject to change without notice. Our investment teams may hold different views and make different investment decisions. These opinions may not necessarily reflect the views of Manulife Investment Management or its affiliates. The information and/or analysis contained in this material has been compiled or arrived at from sources believed to be reliable, but Manulife Investment Management does not make any representation as to their accuracy, correctness, usefulness, or completeness and does not accept liability for any loss arising from the use of the information and/or analysis contained. The information in this material may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events, targets, management discipline, or other expectations, and is only current as of the date indicated. The information in this document, including statements concerning financial market trends, are based on current market conditions, which will fluctuate and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. Manulife Investment Management disclaims any responsibility to update such information.

Neither Manulife Investment Management or its affiliates, nor any of their directors, officers or employees shall assume any liability or responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage or any other consequence of any person acting or not acting in reliance on the information contained here. All overviews and commentary are intended to be general in nature and for current interest. While helpful, these overviews are no substitute for professional tax, investment or legal advice. Clients should seek professional advice for their particular situation. Neither Manulife, Manulife Investment Management, nor any of their affiliates or representatives is providing tax, investment or legal advice.  This material was prepared solely for informational purposes, does not constitute a recommendation, professional advice, an offer or an invitation by or on behalf of Manulife Investment Management to any person to buy or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy, and is no indication of trading intent in any fund or account managed by Manulife Investment Management. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. Diversification or asset allocation does not guarantee a profit or protect against the risk of loss in any market. Unless otherwise specified, all data is sourced from Manulife Investment Management. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

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Emilie Paquet, FSA

Emilie Paquet, FSA, 

Chef des initiatives stratégiques et de l'innovation, Équipe Solutions multiactifs

Gestion de placements Manuvie

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Alyson J. Slater

Alyson J. Slater, 

Chef, Investissement durable Canada, Marchés publics, Gestion de placements Manuvie

Gestion de placements Manuvie

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Vishal Mansukhani, CFA

Vishal Mansukhani, CFA, 

Gestionnaire de portefeuilles clients multiactifs mondiaux, équipe Solutions multiactifs

Gestion de placements Manuvie

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