Group retirement savings plans

Get to know what they are, how to find the ones you can join, and how they might fit into your overall saving strategy.

The difference between your program and your plans  

Your group retirement program is the whole package—everything your organization has put together to help you save. Within your program, you put your money in plans.

Which plans does your program offer?

Your program won’t offer all these plans. To find what’s available to you, check the information you got to help you join your program. It could have been a paper guide, a digital guide, or even a website.

Registered Pension Plan (RPP)

  • For your employer to put money in for your retirement—you might, too
  • May lower the income tax you have to pay
  • Don’t pay tax until you take money out

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

  • For your retirement or long-term goals
  • May lower the income tax you have to pay
  • Don’t pay tax until you take money out

Tax-free savings account (TFSA)

  • For your short- and long-term goals
  • Don't pay tax on growth in the plan
  • Don't pay tax when you take money out

Deferred Profit-Sharing Plan (DPSP)

  • For your employer to share profits with you
  • Don’t pay tax when your employer puts money in
  • Don’t pay tax until you take money out

Employee Profit-Sharing Plan (EPSP)

  • For your employer to share profits with you—you may be able to put money in, too
  • Pay tax on the money your employer puts in
  • Pay tax on growth in the plan
  • Don’t pay tax when you take money out

Non-registered savings plan (NRSP)

  • For your short- and long-term goals
  • Pay tax on growth in the plan
  • Don’t pay tax when you take money out

Explore group RRSPs

A Manulife group RRSP combines the benefits of an individual RRSP with the benefits of your group retirement program to supercharge both your tax savings and your retirement savings.

Make your money go further, faster.

Make the most of your group retirement savings plans

It’s easier to make smart decisions with easy-to-understand information, tools, and guidance—right where you need them.

When to start saving for retirement? Now.

Learn the importance of saving for retirement and why the earlier you start saving, the more money you'll have when you retire.

Read the viewpoint

Are you saving enough for your retirement?

Set a goal to help you retire the way you want!

  • Get a plan and get motivated
  • Guidance and advice just for you
  • Know you're on track
Sign in to set my goal now

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