

お客様には、機関投資家向けサイト(以下「サイト」といいます。)を介してご提出いただいた個人情報及び/又はManulife Investment Managementとのビジネスを通じて作成されたお客様の個人情報がManulife Investment Managementによって処理されること、並びに当該個人情報がマーケティング及び顧客管理に係る目的のためにManulife Investment Management及び/又はマニュライフ・ファイナンシャルの傘下の会社に送信されることに同意していただきます。





Manulife Investment Managementのサイト及びオンライン・サービスでは「cookie」を使用しています。cookieとはエンド・ユーザーの機器に保存される小さなファイルであり、これにはユーザーの行動及び特徴に関する固有の情報(たとえば買い物かごに保存された品目)が格納されています。Manulife Investment Managementは以下の2点についてcookieを使用しています。

  1. ユーザーをサイト上の適切なページ(ユーザーのニーズに最も適したページや、言語が複数ある場合、適切な言語のセクション)へと誘導すること。
  2.  ユーザーに関する基本的な情報(初訪問のユーザーか訪問頻度が高いユーザーかなど)を入手すること。



  • 分析を目的とする場合:分析cookieを用いると、サイトの訪問者を認識、計測及び追跡し、使用状況情報の記録を蓄積することができます。これらは、サイトの機能を改善・開発(例えば、サイト訪問者が情報をすぐ探し出せるように、あるいはサイト訪問者の興味を最も引く部分を見つけられるように)するために役立ちます。 
  • 利用に関する設定:サイトには、訪問者が利用方法を選択した時点で有効になるcookieもあります。その後、該当するユーザーが選択した設定はサイトに「記憶」されます。これにより、お客様に合わせてサイトのページを表示することが可能となります。
  • 利用条件への同意:サイトでは、訪問者がポリシー(本ポリシーなど)を読んだ、又は同意した(例えばサイトの利用条件に対する同意など)を記録するためにcookieを使用しています。これはサイトのユーザー・エクスペリエンスを改善するのに有効であり、例えばユーザーが同じ条件に対する同意を何度も求められるといった状況の防止に役立ちます。当社では、ユーザーが以前に類似の文書(オンライン調査など)を閲覧したことがあるか否かも追跡しますが、これもサイトのユーザー・エクスペリエンスの円滑化を図ることを目的としています。
  • 広告:広告cookieの利用により、当社(又は第三者)はサイトのユーザーの行動をモニタリングすることができます。これらの情報は、サイトでの閲覧行動に基づいて、商品やサービスが集中的かつ適切な方法でユーザー向けに表示されるようにするため、又はそのようなデジタル・マーケティング・キャンペーンの効果をモニタリングするために使用されます。また、当社では、サイトに表示される広告がユーザーの興味を引くか否かをモニタリングしているほか、この情報を維持することにより、一定期間にわたってサイトのユーザーに適切な広告が表示されるようにもしています。



Cookieを拒否または管理するには、当サイトの下部に表示されるcookieバナーの「cookie設定」リンクをクリックします。 cookie設定を既に有効にしている場合、バナーは表示されない場合があります。 その場合、「OptanonAlertBoxClosed」cookieを削除し、ブラウザーを再読み込みすると、cookieバナーは再度表示されます。



インターネットがプライバシーの保証される安全なメディアとはいえず、インターネット上の完全なセキュリティー及び秘密性を確保するのは現時点で不可能であることをご認識ください。サイト利用の秘匿性は保証されておらず、サイトのご利用状況(お客様がサイトに送信した情報を含みます。)が他者に閲覧又は開示される場合もある旨もご承知おきください。本ポリシーに定めるその他の免責事項を制限することなく、秘匿性又はセキュリティーに対する侵害に関してお客様又は他の人が被った損害については、Manulife Investment Managementは責任を負いません。



(i) ウイルスが含まれたファイル、破損したファイル又は類似するソフトウェア若しくはプログラムのうち、他者の機器の操作を阻害する可能性があるものをアップロード又は配布すること。

(ii) サイトに接続されたネットワークを妨害し又は混乱させること。

(iii) サイト又は何らかのトランザクションの適切な機能を妨害しようとして何らかの機器、ソフトウェア又はルーチンを使用すること。

(iv) サイトのインフラストラクチャーに対して不合理又は不相応な規模の高負荷をもたらす行為を行うこと。





  • お客様の身元を確認し、当社の商品及びサービスへの申込みを審査すること。
  • 当社の商品及びサービスを設計及び管理すること。
  • お客様との関係を管理すること。
  • リスクを管理し、詐欺等の違法行為の検知及び調査を支援すること。
  • お客様のアカウントで不審な活動が疑われる場合や何らかの重要な情報をお知らせすべき場合にご連絡を差し上げること。
  • 当社の事業を運営及び改善し、カスタマー・エクスペリエンスを向上させること。
  • 法的義務を遵守し、政府及び法執行当局又は規制機関を支援すること。
  • 関心をお持ちいただけそうな他の製品又はサービスを見極めてお知らせすること。



  • 個人情報の利用に関する明確な同意をいただいたとき。当該同意はいつでも撤回していただけますが、その際には下記の詳細情報を通じてご連絡ください。
  • お客様との間で締結予定又は締結済みの契約を当社が履行するために必要な場合。
  • 法令又は規制に基づく義務を当社が遵守するために必要な場合。
  • 当社(又は第三者)の正当な利益及びお客様の利益を図るために必要であり、これらの利益が基本的な権利によって無効にならない場合。下記の目的はいずれも正当な利益に該当します。
    • 当社のサービス及び商品をお客様に提供し、これに対する支払いを求めること。
    • 当社の記録を更新すること、顧客による当社の商品及びサービスの利用方法を確認すること、並びに当社のサービス及び商品を開発すること。
    • 当社の事業及びサイト(管理サービス及びITサービス、ネットワーク・セキュリティーも含まれます。)を管理及び保護すること、並びに詐欺を防止すること。
    • 当社のサービスを開発し、当社の事業を育成すること。



  • ご自身の個人情報へのアクセスを要請すること(一般に「個人情報の開示請求」といいます。)。これによって、お客様に関して当社が保有する個人情報の写しを受領することや、その情報が当社によって適法に処理されているか否かを確認することが可能となります。
  • ご自身に関する個人情報の訂正を請求すること。これによって、お客様に関する不完全又は不正確な個人情報については、ご本人によりこれを訂正させることが可能となります。ただし、お客様から提供された新しい情報について、当社がその正確性を確認させていただく場合があります。
  • ご自身の個人情報の消去を請求すること。これによって、当社にて引き続き保有する正当な理由がなくなった個人情報について、削除すべき旨を当社に請求することができます。お客様は、ご自身の個人情報について異議申立ての権利を正当に行使された場合(下記参照)、ご自身の情報が当社にて違法に処理された可能性がある場合、又は当社が現地法に基づきお客様の個人情報を消去する必要がある場合には、当該個人情報を削除すべき旨を当社に請求する権利も認められています。ただし、法律に基づく特定の理由がある場合には、お客様からの消去の請求に応じられないことがあります。その場合には、お客様から請求を受けた時点で理由をお知らせします。
  • 当社(又は第三者)は正当な利益のためにお客様の個人情報を保有しているが、お客様側の事情により、お客様の基本的人権や自由に影響すると感じられるとの理由から、当社による個人情報の保有に異議を申し立てること。当社がダイレクト・マーケティングを目的としてお客様の個人情報を保有している場合、お客様は異議申立ての権利を行使することができます。当社が情報を処理するためのやむを得ない正当な根拠を有している場合には、お客様の権利及び自由よりも当該根拠が優先される旨を明らかにさせていただくこともあります。
  • 個人情報の処理の制限を請求すること。これによって、以下のいずれかに該当する場合には、個人情報の処理を中止すべき旨を当社にご依頼いただけるようになります。

(a) 当該情報の正確性を確認することを当社に求める場合。

(b) 当該情報について当社の利用方法が違法であるが、当社による消去を希望されない場合。

(c) 当社にとって不要になった情報であるが、お客様による法的権利の確立、行使又は弁護のために、当社に保有させる必要性がある場合。

(d)  当社によるお客様情報の利用方法に対してお客様から異議が申し立てられたものの、当該情報を利用するための最優先すべき正当な理由の有無を当社にて確認する必要がある場合。

  • お客様の個人情報をご本人又は第三者に移転すべき旨を請求すること。お客様の個人情報は、ご本人又はご本人が選択された第三者宛てに、一般的に使用されている、機械読み取りの可能なフォーマットにてご提供させていただきます。この権利は、当初の時点で同意をいただいている自動化された情報、又は当社が当該情報を利用してお客様との契約を履行した場合に対してのみ適用される点にご留意ください。
  • 当社が個人情報を保有する旨に対して同意いただいた場合に、いつでも同意を撤回すること。ただし、お客様による同意の撤回前に実行された個人情報保有の合法性は、これにより何らの影響も受けません。同意を撤回されると、特定の商品又はサービスをご提供できなくなる場合があります。その場合には、同意を撤回された時点でご連絡させていただきます。


  • お客様の所在地に応じて、下記の連絡先情報をご利用の上ご連絡ください。(日本のお客様については、マニュライフ・アセット・マネジメント株式会社の個人情報保護方針に記載された連絡先をご利用ください。)
  • ご自身の個人情報の開示請求に際して(又はその他の権利を行使するために)手数料をお支払いいただく必要はありません。ただし、根拠がない、繰り返される、度を越えていることが明らかな請求に対しては、妥当な手数料を申し受けることもあります。そのような請求を受けたときには、応じることをお断りする場合もあります。
  • ご自身の個人情報について開示請求を行われる(又はその他の権利を行使していただく)際には、当社がお客様の身元を確認するために特定の情報の提供をお願いする場合があります。これはセキュリティー上、個人情報を受け取る権利がない者へ個人情報を開示することを防ぐための手段です。なお、ご請求に対し迅速な回答を差し上げるために、新たな情報提供をお願いする場合もあります。
  • お客様が所在される地域にもよりますが、当社ではすべての正当なご請求に対し1ヶ月以内にご回答するよう努めております。特に複雑なご請求又は多数のご請求をいただいた場合は1ヶ月を超えることもありますが、その場合にはその旨をお伝えし、状況を逐次ご報告いたします。 



  • サービス供給者(財産管理人、ブローカー、ユニット登録サービス、取引銀行など)
  • 特定の機能(ダイレクト・マーケティング、財務諸表作成、ITに関する支援など)の外部受託者
  • ブローカー、代理店及びアドバイザー並びにお客様の代理人(財産管理人、資産コンサルタントなど)
  • 当社以外の金融機関(誤った支払い分を請求するなど)
  • 監査人
  • 政府機関及び法執行機関又は規制当局
  • 違法な活動の検知及び詐欺の防止を支援するために設立された事業体



Information for Residents of the European Economic Area (the “EEA”), the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) , and Switzerland:

Transfers of data to a country outside of the EEA, U.K, and Switzerland

We may share your information with Manulife affiliated companies in other countries. To the extent that your information is shared outside the EEA, U.K, or Switzerland, we ensure that equivalent protections are in place by implementing at least one of the following safeguards:

  • Your personal data will be transferred to a country that has been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Commission or the U.K.
  • We may enter into a specific contract with the recipient of your personal data which has been approved by the European Commission which gives the personal data the same protection it has in Europe or the United Kingdom.

The main countries to which your information may be transferred are:

  • Canada
  • Hong Kong 
  • Singapore
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

How long we hold your data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period for your personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

Details of retention periods for different aspects of your personal data can be obtained by contacting us using the contact details set out below.

Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint against us. You may do so by contacting us using the details below.

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

Manulife Investment Management (Europe) Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company number 02831891 and whose registered office is 1 London Wall, London EC2Y 5EA is the Data Controller and is responsible for any data collected as a result of your use of this website.

Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) and the U.K. GDPR/2018 Data Protection Act, you have the right to request access to, rectification or erasure of your personal data that is processed by us. You may also request a restriction to be made on processing of your personal data, object to its processing or request its transfer to another data controller.

You also have the right, at any time, to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority. In the UK, the relevant data protection authority is the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) ( www.ico.org.uk). We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO so please contact us using the contact details below in the first instance. Manulife Investment Management (Europe) Limited is registered with the ICO.

We have appointed a data protection officer (DPO) who is responsible for overseeing questions relating to this privacy policy. You may contact us, through the DPO, to request further information, make a complaint or exercise your legal rights (including a data subject access request) in writing or by phone using the contact details below:

UK Data Protection Officer
Manulife Investment Management (Europe) Ltd
1 London Wall London EC2Y 5EA
T: 020 7256 3500

Ireland and EU Data Protection Officer
Manulife Investment Management (Ireland) Limited
Second Floor, 5 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 CK83, Ireland.

Information for Residents of Singapore:

Your privacy is very important to Manulife. To the extent any information you provide or which we obtain from this website constitutes personal data, we have set procedures for the use of that information.

You agree that all information and/or particulars sent or submitted by you through the website is non-confidential and non-proprietary unless otherwise expressly indicated by you. You acknowledge that Manulife, its directors, officers, employees, contractors and agents shall not be subject to any confidentiality obligations in respect of any such information and/or particulars and you agree that Manulife, its directors, officers, employees, contractors and agents may, and you hereby authorise each of them to, use and to disclose such information to any person (including without limitation any third party service provider) in connection with Manulife's internal business purposes.

Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, you consent to the processing by Manulife of the personal data submitted by you through the website and/or created in the course of the business relationship with Manulife, and to the transmission of such personal data to other companies within the Manulife (by the internet or otherwise) for purposes connected with marketing and customer administration. If you do not wish your information to be used in this way, you should advise Manulife in writing.

If you have any questions on our data protection policies and practices, please write to us at our corporate address:

The Data Protection Officer
Legal & Compliance Department
Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
8 Cross Street
#16-01 Manulife Tower
Singapore 048424


Information for Residents of Hong Kong SAR:

Your privacy is very important to Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited. To the extent any information you provide or which we obtain from this website constitutes personal data, we have set procedures for the use of that information. 

Failure to supply such personal data may result in your inability to use or access this website, or parts of this website. 

Please note that if you telephone Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited, calls may be monitored or recorded to maintain and improve services. 

You consent to the processing by Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited and its affiliates of personal information submitted by you and/or created in the course of the business relationship with Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited and to the transmission of this data to other companies with Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited and its affiliates or to third party service providers, with whom we have contracted to hold and store data from time to time, for purposes connected with marketing and customer administration. If you do not wish your information to be used in this way, you should advise Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited by email or in writing. 

You are entitled under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the laws of Hong Kong ("Ordinance") to check whether Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited holds personal data about you and request access to such personal data, request Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited to correct any personal data relating to you which is inaccurate, and ascertain Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited's policies and practices in relation to personal data and be informed of the kind of personal data held by Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited. In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited has the right to charge a reasonable fee for processing any data access request. 

All requests for access to or correction of personal data or for information regarding the policies and practices and kinds of data held by Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited, should be addressed to: 

Data Protection Officer 
Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 
16/F, Lee Garden One, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong



Information for Residents of Taiwan:

Notification Letter of Collection, Processing, Use and International Transmission of Personal Information by Manulife Investment Management (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

Please read the notification terms and the information as shown below for collection, processing, use and international transmission by Manulife Investment Management (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) of your Personal Information as defined below.

1. The Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

(1) The Company collects your Personal Information is to perform the businesses listed in the Company’s Business License, including but not limited to the following, security investment trust business, offshore fund related business, discretionary mandate business, security investment consultant business, other investment business or transaction activities permitted by the regulator and the relevant analysis opinion provision or consultant services, which include the execution or implementation of any activities, production supply or service provision under the regulations related to security investment trust and consultant business, offshore fund related business and discretionary mandate business, activities of the Company in handling complaints and disputes, implementation of compliance, AML, risk management and auditing, and any other conducts, business activities, analysis, survey, research and statistical analysis regarding the security investment trust business, offshore fund related business, security investment consultant business and discretionary mandate business etc.

(2) The said purposes also include but not limited to the following:

a.         To execute or implement contracts, complains and disputes, dealing with internal control and audit for the Company, activities for promotion, products or services permitted by laws, evaluation for you or for performance of contracts, and any other legally permitted securities investment trust business, offshore fund related business, discretionary mandate business, security investment consultant business, other investment business or transaction activities permitted by the regulator.

b.         Securities investment trust business and security investment consultant business; management and services of consumers, marketing business and any other registered businesses in service permission or listed in the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, other financial management services, other contracts, similar contracts, legal relationship management matters or business.

c.         For the Company’s internal purposes to use Personal Information, including but not limited to compliance, risk management, anti-money laundering, investigation, research and statistical analysis, in order to improve products, services and customer communications and to enhance the development, delivery and improvement of products, services, contents and advertising.

2. The Classification of the Personal Information

(1) Name, date of birth, national identification card number, passport number, marriage, family, education, occupation, contact details, financial situation, social activities, electronic mail address, and any other information that can be directly or indirectly identifiable to individual personal information, and

(2) Based on the purpose of Anti-money laundering, the following personal data of an individual who: (a) takes part in or has influential impact on the decision-making process, and eventually obtains all or part of the interests of any other person or party, and (b) is a politician, a legal representative of a legal entity or an individual shareholder with directly or indirectly shareholding of more than 25% in a legal entity, when the beneficiaries and their family members or intimate partners are domestic/foreign politicians or legal entities (collectively, “Personal Information”).

3. The Retention Period to Use Personal Information, Areas where Personal Information is Used and Entities to use Personal Information and the Manners

(1) Retention Period: Unless otherwise provided in other agreement, the retention period of your Personal Information will be the period that the Company provides you the service, and 10 years after the specific purpose no longer exists or time period expires as required or permitted by law.

(2) Areas where Personal Information is Used: The Republic of China (Taiwan), the locations of hosting computer of Personal Information storage or processing and the relevant network server locations, the locations of the foreign parent company of the Company and their group companies, the locations of other recipients of internationally transmitted Personal Information not subject to restrictions imposed by the Central Government Authorities of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the locations of other parties having outsourcing business with the Company, the operation locations of the institutions having any other business relationship with the Company, and the locations of the following parties who may use the Personal Information.

(3) Entities to use Personal Information:

The Personal Information will be provided to, or be accessible by:

a.         The employees, agents and representatives, who need the information in the performance of their duties for the Company, or service providers who need the information in the performance of their duties for us, and to satisfy their obligations to the Company, or anyone who is otherwise authorized by law.

b.         The Company, the Company’s foreign parent company, the holding company of such parent company and the affiliates of such holding company.

c.         Any third party who is delegated to handle matters by the Company in accordance with Personal Information Protection Act or other arrangements, or who has outsourcing business with the Company and other sub-contracting parties (including any mandated parties or their affiliates).

d.         Any third party having joint marketing or mutual use arrangement of customers data with the Company for cooperative promotion and for soliciting business, or having business arrangement or agreements with the Company (including fund sale agreement and fund master agent agreements), and any party having mergers and acquisitions or spin-off arrangements with the Company permitted by the regulator or any other parties who are the contracting persons of any mergers and acquisitions or spin-off arrangements and their consultants.

e.         The Financial Ombudsman Institution or any other dispute handling competent authority under the consumer dispute handling regulations for needs of such handling process.

f.          In accordance with the laws and legal process, litigation or non-litigation or other way of dispute resolution, the competent authority, government agencies, or the requirements of the third party who claims the infringement of rights which have appropriate proof, the Company needs to disclose your Personal Information.  Based on the requirements of national security, enforcement of law, or other important public interest, after the assessment of necessity and appropriateness, the Company may disclose your information.

(4) The Company will handle your Personal Information by using the automated machine or other non-automated ways.

4. Except otherwise provided in the laws and regulations (including the SITE, SICE related laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan), you can exercise the following rights in writing:

(1) any inquiry and request for a review of the Personal Information.

(2) any request to make duplications of the Personal Information.
(3) any request to supplement or correct the Personal Information.

(4) any request to discontinue collection, processing or use of Personal Information.

(5) any request to delete the Personal Information.

5. You can choose whether to provide Personal Information or not; however, if you choose not to provide the Personal Information or provide in an incomplete way, based on the purpose of your Personal Information being collected, the Company will not be able to provide you a good and complete service and may further affect to provide the Company’s service/production or affect the right of the contract with the Company.

6. When the purposes mentioned above are disappeared or expired, the Company may not delete the Personal Information, but choose to stop further processing or use instead.  If you deliver the Personal Information of a third party to the Company, you should have ensured that you have obtained the consent from such third party and fulfilled the obligation of disclosure and notification to such third party in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act of Taiwan.

7. If you have any foreign nationality, the Company may, in accordance with the laws or regulations of any country and the requests of competent authority of such country, and in accordance with the requirements of international transmission-related protocols regulations, submit your Personal Information and relevant beneficiary's account, credit, investment, or other financial information to the competent authority of the country.

8. The Company has the right to amend this Letter, and after any amendments, will be able to advise you orally, in writing, by telephone, SMS, emails, fax, electronic documents or other methods sufficient to inform you (including but not limited to the above method informing you of the link of website to download the complete contents of this Letter) of the amendment key points and any designated website.  At that time, please read the contents on the specified website.


Information for Residents of Malaysia:

We have outlined the following Internet Privacy Policy relating to personal information provided through visits to our website. This policy does not apply to websites that may be accessed through links from our website and which are not owned by us or our subsidiaries.
This Internet Privacy Policy describes our privacy commitment with respect to information supplied to consumers visiting our website.

1. We collect personal information in order to provide superior service.

The information that Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad collects from our website visitors is used to provide them with a superior online experience. The personal information you provide is used to assist us with the specific product or service you have chosen. Additionally, we may use this data in aggregated form only (not in any form that personally identifies you) to track use of our tools and features for internal programming and demographic and other research purposes.

Our website may include several forms allowing you to contact us regarding customer service, product information, general information and website feedback. The information you provide in these forms, including but not limited to your name, identification number, address, phone number, email address and account numbers, is used to contact you in order to satisfy your request.

2. We may contact you for Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad marketing purposes.

Many visitors to our site wish to remain apprised of new products and services and opportunities. In that case, you may request to receive email messages from us by so indicating and providing your email address on the forms provided.

3. We employ advanced security safeguards.

Security is our top priority. Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad will strive at all times to ensure that your personal data will be protected against unauthorised or accidental access, processing or erasure. We maintain this commitment to data security by implementing appropriate physical, electronic and managerial measures to safeguard and secure your personal data.

The secure area of our website supports the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol and 128-bit encryption technology — an industry standard for encryption over the internet to protect data. When you provide any personal data, it will be automatically converted into codes before being securely dispatched over the internet. 

Our web servers are protected behind "firewalls" and our systems are monitored to prevent any unauthorised access.

4. We educate our employees — and hold them to strict standards of conduct.

At Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad, our associates are personally responsible for maintaining consumer confidence in the company. We remind associates regularly of their obligations to comply with Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad's high ethical business practices standards, including maintaining confidentiality of our customers' personal information. Disregard of these obligations can result in disciplinary action.

If you have additional questions or concerns about internet privacy, our information practices, secure Web servers or the confidentiality of personal data transmissions over the internet, please contact us.  It is our sincerest hope that all who participate here will do so with complete confidence — and come away from the experience with valuable insight and a renewed commitment to achieving the financial stability they and their loved ones deserve.  

For more information, please see the Manulife IM (Malaysia) Personal Data Protection Notice.

Information for visitors from North America:

For further inquiries about this Privacy Policy, please contact:

Attn: Privacy Officer

Manulife Investment Management

197 Clarendon Street

Boston, MA 02116
